Discovering your Strengths — what makes you stand out from others?
Finding a job you’re passionate about isn’t always easy. We often hear that when it comes to being successful & feeling a sense of fulfillment in life ‘follow your passion & you’ll never work a day in your life’. But before you can follow your passion, you have to find it. So where do you look for it? How do you really discover what you are really good at & what you really enjoy doing?
Fiona Craig (Love Your Work), suggests that one of the best starts to reaching your potential is to be able to articulate your key strengths andtalents. “Whether you’re looking for a promotion, a new career or just more confidence on a daily basis, knowing and understanding your own value proposition is one of the key investments you should make in your career and in yourself”.
If you are looking to advance your career, finding and leveraging your workplace strengths is perhaps the most important thing you can do. David Parnell supports this, “strengths, motivation and task interest often go hand in hand, and when these three are in force, your performance will definitely show it and help your progression. But if you are stuck in a position that doesn’t leverage your strengths, your drive and performance will suffer along with your career advancement.”
Knowing your workplace strengths, and having a framework and process to maximize their impact, is an excellent way to enjoy work more, work with others more productively, and get better results.
What are your strengths? What makes you stand out from others? How can you leverage your talents for achievements & follow your passion?